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Refer friends to Urban and earn discounts

Refer friends to Urban and earn discounts

Urban client with a friend they referred to Urban
refer a friend

Send them your unique referral code

Log in below or on the Urban app, and tap 'refer' to find it.


They sign up

They’ll find a 20% discount off their first treatment waiting on their account.


Get money off when they book

Starting at 20% off, and growing each time a new friend books.


One friend referred

20% off your next treatment


Two friends referred

30% off your next treatment


Three friends referred*

50% off your next treatment

*Your referral count resets each time you claim a reward. To get 50% off, wait until three friends have booked before claiming.

Save even more with Urban Rewards

With our free loyalty programme Urban Rewards, you'll earn points on the best investment there is – your wellbeing. Just create an Urban account or log in to get started.

Free to join!