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Therapist giving a patient an injury massage

Injury/pain management in Birmingham

Specialist soft tissue therapy to help with chronic pain

Controlled, targeted pressure

You want to treat

Chronic pain, soreness from an injury

Benefits of a pain/injury massage

  • Specialist soft tissue therapy ready to come to you, wherever you are in Birmingham

  • Soft tissue therapy to lessen muscle pain

  • Encourages blood flow to muscles to promote healing

  • Target problem areas to restore movement

Why you might need it

This treatment can help you back to your best after an injury, or if you're in pain or discomfort.

Therapists practicing this treatment are specially trained, from qualified sports massage therapists, osteopaths and physiotherapists. Browse individual bios to find out more.

During your treatment

Your therapist will first run you through a brief consultation to make sure your condition's safe to treat. Then they'll perform a targeted treatment, working to alleviate tension and restore movement and function to the area.

More on massage for sports injury and pain Birmingham

With Urban, you can get an injury/pain management treatment right across Birmingham, including:

Alcester, Stratford-upon-Avon, Leamington Spa, Redditch, Northfield and Halesowen, Erdington, Dorridge, Coleshill and more

Find a local therapist near you in London by entering your postcode here.

It’s a treatment performed by therapists with advanced training (Level 5 NVQ or equivalent) for helping muscles recover and heal, as well as helping with ongoing health conditions or recent injury. It involves soft tissue therapy - which targets parts of the body like muscles, tendons and ligaments.

It’s also a handy treatment to book ahead of sporting events to reduce the risk of injury.

This treatment can help with recovery from a number of conditions, like pulled muscles or sprains. It can also soothe twinges and strain in common places, like the rotator cuff or achilles tendon.

For more serious injuries, it's always worth seeing a doctor or physiotherapist first. That includes torn muscles, torn ligaments and broken bones.

Therapists use a number of techniques for soft tissue therapy:

Soft tissue release (STR) restores strength in muscles; muscle energy techniques (METs) help free up your range of motion; and neuromuscular techniques (NMT) which includes trigger point therapy for pain relief and restoring function.

No, we recommend our specialist pregnancy massage instead, suitable from your second trimester.

To keep you and your therapist safe, it’s important to hold off on getting a massage if you’re unwell with a fever or flu-like symptoms, or if you have a contagious skin disease. Therapists have the right to cancel your treatment if they think it will harm you or them in any way.

If you have a health condition and you’re not sure about booking a massage, consult your GP for advice beforehand.