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Beauty treatments in 

It’s all in the eyes. Define your brows with a visit from the experts and achieve the perfect shape with waxing or threading.

Brows, tailored to you

Sculpted and defined or fluffy and natural-looking. Urban brow experts are obsessed, and they’re on call to give you the very best in the comfort of your own home.

Our brow appointments begin with a consultation to get you the most natural-looking results. Taking your face shape and brow colour into account, your beauty pro will help you get exactly the look you want.

You're in safe hands. We pre-vet every Urban beauty pro first to make sure they have the qualifications and strict hygiene practices to treat you. We also check they’re using the most up-to-date techniques (like brow lamination) and premium products, including skin-safe colour.

It’s simple – if we love it, we’re confident you will too.